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"Cultural wealth transformed in tequila"

100% agave

Types of tequilas

Extra aged

  • Smell: Deep woody scent, with crisp and clear notes that reflect the passage of time and its careful preparation.
  • Sight: Old gold in color, pride of his maturity, class and lineage. Great body that is perceived when served, a reflection of its maturity obtained from the perfect fusion between tequila, wood and a three-year cycle.
  • Taste: With an intense flavor of “time” and with a perfectly defined deep character, being a delight for the senses and the most demanding palate.


  • Smell: With intense, clean and deep woody tones, they make a warm and pure tequila with its own character, the result of perfection in its aging.
  • Sight: ts intense gold color unequivocally reflects the maturity obtained from the patience of its twelve months of careful maturation.
  • Taste: With a deep woody flavor as well as soft and delicate, its perfectly defined personality and body produce a flattery to the palate.


  • Al olfato: Herbal scent with woody notes that gives it an exquisite bouquet, which invites us to enjoy it.
  • Sight: Bright gold in color, clean and crisp transparency, an unequivocal reflection of its rest in white oak, which provides perfectly defined body and character
  • Al gusto: Woody flavor with fruity and herbal hints that are pleasantly perceived on the palate


  • Smell: High definition fruity and herbal scent, inherited from select agaves with which it is made.
  • Sight: Transparent and crystalline with silver sparkles, great body and character that reflect the nature of its origin.
  • Taste: Soft and perfumed flavor with great personality that is perceived when enjoyed alone or mixed

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